Sunday, August 19, 2012


What health-related field/career is most interesting to you?
Why are you interested in that field?
What will you have to do prior to graduation from high school to prepare yourself for a career in a health-related field?

Don't forget to read posts and comments from your classmates and respond to at least one post!


  1. Veterinarian, because i like animals and i probably wont do anything after high school to pursue a career in that field because i am pursuing a career in a different one.
    -MacKenzie Lasswell

  2. Radiology, because there's not just one specific type of x-rays. I will have to take this class and an online class in order to move on to my program that i am going into in college.

    1. I also have thought about goimg into radiology.

    2. Great career choice i was thinking along the same lines.

  3. For me, i would be interested in veterinary care but i don't want to be a veterinarian anymore. i still love animals a lot but im not interested all of the science and medical stuff id have to go through to do it. I wont have to do anything before i graduate because i wont be going into a health-related field.

    1. I have the exact same feeling! I'd love to work with them but surgery and medical school are not for me.

    2. I completely agree! Surgery and seeing an animal in pain would be too much for me to handle, not to sound like a huge softy, but I would rather just have pets.

  4. i'd be a surgeon cause it is interesting to know how the bones, muscles and nerves are connected

    1. I know what you mean. The human body is really interesting, and how everything comes together so smoothly.

    2. Ahhhhhh.. I think it is too!!! i absolutely love learning about the bones and muscles and tissues and everything! i love learning how each little part plays a big role in the human body. its kinda crazy.. how our bodies work. this sounds silly.. but it reminds me of magic(: i wish you the best of luck.

    3. Mikahayla, you are so funny! I love your enthusiasm for anatomy. I am glad you're staying in the class!!

  5. I would like to be a veterinarian because I enjoy working with animals and caring for them, and also my dad is a veterinarian and I enjoy helping him.
    -Sam Van De Berg

    1. Becoming a veterinarian sounds interesting. I think that following in your dad's footsteps and carrying on the family tradition would be rewarding. Best of luck.

  6. I'm interested in working with animals, but I'm not completelty sure on my career pathway just yet. I don't necessarily want to be a veterinarian maybe more like chiropractic or something. Right now I'm more interested in behavorial and training, because I think it would be a great feeling to train animals for the disabled and be abled to see them interact. I wouldn't have to do anything prior to graduating because I'm pretty sure I won't go for anything in the medical type field.

    1. Hope that works out for you maybe then you can train my dog.

  7. I am interested in becoming a research scientist or a biomedical engineer. I like all areas of the biological sciences that I have studied thus far; and I also like technology and mathematics. I am looking for a profession that will combine these areas of interest. In high school, I plan to take as many courses in these related fields as possible.

    1. That's a really good idea, Meagan, to find classes that will help you combine and relate all the subjects that you really enjoy You're a very smart girl, wish you the best of luck!

    2. Sounds like you have a lot on your mind and you must have a busy schedlue for school, since you said you are taking as many courses as you can. Hope you find the career you want too have.

  8. I am interested in becoming an orthopedic surgeon, because i broke my knee, and i want to help people like they helped me. I plan on taking as many science based classes in order to prepare me for college

    1. I have also thought about the same career, I think I would enjoy working with sports related injuries and athletes!

    2. I think that would be pretty cool because you have had experience in the injuries and would know what the patients are going through. (if that makes sense haha)

  9. I am going into the Criminal Justice/Special Agent field. I am interested in this field because i like to solve problems and analyze things. Prior to graduating i will be taking intro classes for this career.

    1. That sounds super cool! I've always found Criminal Justice to be extremely interesting. Best of luck!

    2. This career would be so much fun, obviously a lot of hard work, too. Sounds like you'll do great with it, though! Good luck!

    3. That career sounds so exciting. If i wasn't going to be a sports therapist i would love to go into criminal justice.

  10. I am interested in the physical therapy field. What attracts me to the field, is the oppportunity to work with athletes and help them recover. To prepare myself for this particular field, I will take any medical related classes that our school has to offer.

    1. Sounds fun Natalie! I think it'd be very gratifying to help athletes, especially being an athlete yourself. Good luck!:)

    2. I've always thought about that career! I thought it would be rewarding to see that you helped someone get back into something they love after getting injured. I wish you the best of luck, Natalie! :)

    3. You would be GREAT with this :)

    4. This would be a really interesting career and I think you will be really good at it!

  11. I would like to work a family doctor or maybe as a physical therapist. I think the reason it interests me is because i like the idea of helping people. To prepare myself i have taken health 1 and biology. I am currently taking A&P and will take health 2 in the future.

    1. I think a career that helps people would be very satisfying!

  12. I am very interested in how food and exercise affect people's health. I am still researching different careers i might like in this field. Right now i am interning with the MP hospital's dietician to see if that is a career/job I'd like to have. I am not sure yet on how many years of college I'd need to be a dietician.

    1. Good Luck!!! That is also a career that I have considered. I find how diet and exercise affect people interesting.

    2. I agree with you Tori and Maddie. I think that would be great career field to look into. Good luck to you both (:

  13. Id like to be a strength and conditioning coach for either a professional sports team or a D1 college. I like lifting and sports and i want to help other athletes get stronger and perform better in their chosen sport.

    1. That sounds like a good career to get into

    2. Justin, i think that fits you perfectly!I hope you go far with that:)

    3. That's what I like to hear Dunn! You will be training me someday. haha

  14. I am currently very interested in the nursing field. I would probably want to go into pediatric nursing, or I think I would especially like working with patients with Special Needs. I think that this appeals to me because I've always loved science, the body fascinates me, and I thrive to use my abilities and time to help those in need. I have taken Biology, am currently taking Health and A&P, and will be taking Medical Terminology and Nurses Aid before I graduate.
    -Julie Heater

    1. A career in the nursing field sounds very rewarding and you would have a lot of options in finding a job after college. Good luck! :)

    2. Nice julie i can and always c u helping ppl ur always there for me when i need you lol i hope you make it n this feild

  15. I would also choose being a veternarin. I have always had a soft spot for animals.It breaks my heart when I see animals who don't get the care they need.Though this will probably will not my choice as my main career, but is definitely one I will look into before I make my final choice

    -Brandon Thacker

  16. I am very interested in surgical procedures. There are many ways to treat the wounded and to help them live on. To be able to become a surgeon, I'd have to take this class to know more about the human body and such. But after high school, I'm going straight to becoming a nurse to raise up my own money for becoming such a doctor.

    1. That would be a good career for you Sam. It's good that you want to help people. I wish you luck!(:

  17. I am currently interested in becoming a physicians assistant. I find the human body very fascinating and I have always enjoyed studying it. I have taken bio and I plan on to continue to take health and science related classes.

    1. I agree about the human body being fun to study about.
      Oh and good luck!

    2. I hope you can become a physicians assistant. That would be a great job! If you commit to it, you can do it :) Good luck :)

  18. Since i was very young i always wanted to go into the medical field. the exact thing i have wanted to be has changed multiple times over the years, but as of right now i'm thinking that i want to be a Pediatricion. I loved biology last year, and i need this class to help prepare me for college/med school.

    1. Hey that awesome every since i was little i wanted to be in the medical field too.

    2. I want to be a pediatrician too!

  19. I’m more on the mechanics side for a career, but if I had to choose a health career it would probably be a surgeon. I’ve always like to watch those surgery shows on tv and see how they work and see what the internal organs look like and my brother is also a R.N. too. If I wanted to be a surgeon I would have to take some health and science classes to know more about the body.
    Loren Gonzalez

  20. If i had to choose a medical field to go into I would want to be a Pediatrician, because I would like to help kids. Taking anatomy is a good start to helping prepare myself for a career in that field.

    1. That sounds interesting. :) I think you would be a great Pediatrician because you get along with kids really well and they seem to love you too! good luck :)

  21. I am thinking about either a Pharmacist or a Nurse, i'm not quiet sure yet. I'm interested in this because within my family a lot of them have had major health problems. like my older brother at about 25 he had kidney failure. so I want to be able to help people out. To prepare for a career as such I will have to take other science classes studying the human body, and also health classes.

  22. I am currently interesting in becoming a nurse. I think i would enjoy being able to help people out and comforting them when they would need. To prepare myself for this I have taken health 1 and health 2 at the mount pleasant high school. I am taking anatomy to further my knowledge in the nursing field.

    1. Awesome! I want to be a nurse too! I would recommend trying to make time for Medical Terminology and Nurses Aid, which are offered through the school, before you graduate. I am going to take them next year, and I feel like they will be really helpful. Good luck with your pursuit! :)

  23. Since I was young I always wanted to be some type of doctor, but now I'm thinking about a children's Pediatrician because my sister has Cystic Fibrosis and I always go to her doctor appointments with her. It seems real interesting! In order to become this, I will have to graduate high school and apply to a good college to get a good job for this.

    1. My younger brother has the same disease. I've gone to some of his appointments with my mom, also. It's something I'd be interested in studying too!

  24. i am very interested in becoming a docotor. i've heard it takes alot of hard work and effort. which i am lacking. so by taking anatomy and other classes like anatomy im hoping to push myself into becoming a better student. the human body is so exciting! i love learning about how each little part of the body plays a huge role in the functioning of humans. its kinda crazy how excited i get, especially when we learn something.. and somebody asks me a question about it and i know the answer !?(:

    1. I feel the same way about, how interesting & exciting the human body is!

  25. At first i was unsure of the health care field i wanted to join, but i talked to some family members about what i was sort of looking for and they suggested the Rad. Tech program. I then did a job shadow in that field at the fort madison community hospital and took an interest in it. I'm mainly interested in the radiology technician field because almost nothing is the same everyday and you always find new things and face new challenges. First off i need to pass this class, study hard, and do some excellent work.

    1. That's what I love about Health, even science in general. There are so many different career pathways because we're always making advancements, thereby creating new fields and new jobs. It's almost like pioneering, In the way that no matter how much progress we make, we will always be on the verge of a new discovery.

  26. Ive always done well with health related classes . When im older im planning to be a massage therapist. I dont really understand why but i have its between that or physical therapy. Both seem extreamly exciteing so i took this class hoping its another good step towards my goals. .

  27. I like the idea of being a doctor but dont think it's quite my calling. I'm taking anatomy to better understand the individual functions that make up things that we often take for granted, like simple muscle movement. I hope that by taking this class I might be better able to apply said knowledge in the design of more advanced prosthetic devices, using programming and robotics to emulate more complex movements.

  28. I am very interested in becoming an athletic trainer. I have always been a huge sports fan of many sports, in both college and professional. I am taking some science and math classes now, to prepare myself for college and help land my dream job.

    1. That would be a nifty job for you Lee! I think you'd love it and I hope it works out for you!

  29. I am very interested in becoming an optometrist since i was young. I am very interested in this career because I think eyes are the most Unique part of the body. I am preparing myself now by take as many science classes i can to help me learn more about the human body.

  30. Im interested in becoming a sports therapist. I love sports and it would be amazing to be able to work in a field thats very involved with sports. Im taking anatomy and other classes to prepare myself for college cause my career im going into involves the body.

    1. Good choice Syd! I'm sure you would love it!:)

  31. I don't think i am going into the medical field, there are some things i just never want to see, i definitely am going to study music and other fine arts. Well, i am curious about how the human body woks, since i am in possession of one. I might study psychology though, so knowing about anatomy should be related in some way of the mind since it controls it all. Before i graduate, i need to make sure i take classes that would challenge me to prepare for university material and hopefully land me a career in music.

  32. I wanna b either a vet tech or horse equestrian and a horse equestrian is a vet/vet tech that lives on the farm hleping and workin with the horses/cattle and i wanna do these cuz i love animals and i wanna help as many as i can

  33. I have always wanted to become a Pharmacist. The idea originally came from my Grandma when I was in 6th grade and I have stuck with it. I am taking as many math and science-related classes as I can to see if it is something I really want to follow through with!

  34. I am on the border between becoming a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist. I have always been very inquisitive and I love to give advice to those who are somewhat misguided. I am taking Anatomy because I am positive it will come to use in either of these professions that I decide because I will obviously be working with humans and to understand the body is a prominant factor in these professions. My ultimate goal is to help make people satisfied with their life and I believe by taking this class I am making the first step, along with taking the psychology course. :)

    1. I think both of those careers are awesome! Obviously I don't really know what I want to do regarding future careers, but I have also thought about going into something related to psychology-it's so interesting! :)

    2. I feel the same way(: definitely hoping to go into a psychology related career!

  35. Its not totally health-related, but I would love to be an archeologist. I'm not sure that is a very realistic career since there isn't really a need for archeologists, but in case I decide to pursue something related to that, anatomy would give me a great background.I've taken a ton of history classes for that, too. I'm not sure I would have to take other classes since I don't know exactly what I want to do.

  36. Ever since I was little I've wanted to be a firefighter/Paramedic. When I was 5 I even dressed up as a firefighter for Halloween. So I believe that taking anatomy would help me fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a firefighter!

  37. I'm not necessarily interested in going into the medical field, but if I decide to, I would be interested in studying Cystic Fibrosis (cures, lung therapy, medicines, etc). I would choose this field because my younger brother has the disease, so i know the basics of the disease, but I'd love to learn more!

    1. My sister has CF and I want to do that exact same thing.

  38. I am most interested in going into the medical field. I would like to eventually be a pediatric nurse. I've have always been interested in nursing and enjoy little kids. To finish out my high school career i will continue to pursue my online college classes to help get a head start when I go off to college. Also keeping up my grades!:)

  39. I am most interested in the field of psychology, and I want to pursue a career involved with that subject. I don't yet know exactly which job in this field I want to pursue yet, maybe social worker or psychiatrist? I enjoy helping people out and just the idea of the subject as a whole and I'm taking anatomy to further my science background. I've taken all of the science and health classes as well as both sociology and psychology to prepare for that point in the future.

    ---amber hainline

  40. Veterinarian. I really love animals and helping them. I have pets of my own that I take care of and take to the vet when needed.I have always wanted to be a vet. I am taking an online class to help with my future career of hopefully a vet or something to do with animals.

  41. i would like to be an EMT so i could help save lives of people who get into accdents. i would need to take health.
