Based on the discussions in class this week, the activities you did in the POGIL activity, and any information in your textbook,
why do you think it is important to have a basic understanding of chemistry to fully understand human anatomy and physiology. Use examples that we discussed in class and/or examples from your textbook in your responses. Comment on two posts from your classmates. This assignment is due on Monday, September 17.
I think it is important to know a little bit of chemistry because if the body is attacked by a virus then it will react to it chemicallly
ReplyDeleteand knowing why the body reacts the way it does helps us understand more of the functions of our body which is part of physiology
Deleteand knowing how the body reacts and why it reacts this way and how it reacts differently when we have a virus and when we dont have a virus.
DeleteI agree. We must know chemistry to identify with these reactions. I don't believe its enough to just identify with the names and function of the organ, but also its chemical "make up"
DeleteVery true. The mor you know the more you are aware of what's going on with your body
DeleteKnowing how the body works, at the cellular level will help you understand how the body works as a whole. In order to have structure you have to have matter. Matter is all solids, liquids and gases that take up space, matter is then composed of elements, then you get down to atoms which gets more into chemistry. Overall chemistry is important in anatomy and physiology because structure and function come from the chemical changes that go on in the cellular level.
ReplyDeletei deffinately agree!
DeleteI agree.
Deletei agree
DeleteGreat response!
DeleteVery well said! I agree~
DeleteI too agree. Well said.
DeleteWell said! COmpletely agree with you!
Deletewhen you know the little things that are happening in your body it helps you to have a better understanding of how your body functions the way that it does.
ReplyDeleteVery true. People should know more about their body and how it reacts and functions with the environment.
DeleteI agree with knowing little things helps understand everything as a whole better.
DeleteI like how you worded this. I am not very interested in the small functions, but I definitely agree that it helps you understand the big picture so much more.
Deletei agree that the little things help you understand the big picture alot better.
DeleteI believe that Chemistry is important to know about while taking Anatomy and Physiology because body sturctures and functions result from a chemical change within the cells, the cells are constantly changing because they are alway taking in oxygen and releaseing carbon dioxide and other elements as well.
ReplyDeletei agree with that
Deletegreat job, I agree!
DeleteGood job, I also agree. Chemical change is always going on, making the structures and functions of the body.
DeleteI like your point of view~ "sturctures and functions result from a chemical change"
DeleteThis is very true. And i completely agree with how you put this.
DeleteNice post! It really explains your opinion well.
DeleteI think it is important to know a bit of chemistry, because your body is made up of many chemicals. We have so many chemical reations happening in our body. We use oxygen and most of our body is water which are both chemical componds. When also break things down chemically so we can make energy for the body to work right.
ReplyDeleteI agree. We always have chemical reactions going on in our bodies.
DeleteI agree! Good response!
DeleteI agree.
DeleteMost definately true! i love this, honestly i didn't understand why it was important to have knowledge of chemistry for anatomy. Your post really helps me better understand why it's important. just sayin!
DeleteIt is important to have a basic understanding of chemistry when studying anatomy/physiology because the structure and function of body tissues, muscles, cells, etc. are all controlled by chemical reactions in and around the body.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that they are controlled by chemical reactions
Deletetotally agree with you lee
DeleteI think it is important to have a basic understanding of chemistry for anatomy/physiology because body structures and functions result from chemical changes within the cells. Our body is made up of matter and it's important to know how it's composition changes.
ReplyDeleteNice post Kelsey. Very smart and educational response!..
DeleteGood one sil! I agree!
DeleteVery well put!
DeleteA lot like I said only short, sweet, and to the point. No one will fall asleep reading this like they will for mine! Nicely put:)
DeleteIt is important to know chemistry in anatomy and physiology, because chemical reactions are occurring throughout our body. For example, we break things down chemically for energy and nutrients and other chemical changes to see how the body reacts to things. Without knowledge of chemistry, we'd wouldn't know how or why the body is what it is.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great way in putting how our bodies work. Great Job.
DeleteI never thought of it this way. That is sooo true!
DeleteThat's perfect, Sam! We wouldn't be able to understand much of the body's processes without knowing some chemistry.
DeleteThats an interesting way of putting it i think you did a good job explaining how we need nutrients for survival.
DeleteGreat explanation/example in your response!
DeleteWell said, I agree that we definitely need an understanding to chemestry to better our knowlege to the human body!
DeleteKnowing chemistry is important in understanding the body because every change in the body is a chemical change or a physical change. One cannot fully comprehend these changes without a thorough understanding of chemistry. Processes such as digestion, the way the body's hormones react to a certain medication, and cellular respiration all are examples that require chemical change. Structures like the phospholipid bilayer (cell membrane) that are selectively permeable only let certain substances pass. That is determined on a chemical basis—it must be soluble in lipids, diffusion, certain proteins let specific ions in, etc.
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ReplyDeleteI think that chemistry is important to anatomy and physiology because with out knowing the basic concept of the how our body is made up and the functions that goes along with it we couldn't be able to understand what our body does and how chemicals mixed together can save or change our lives.
ReplyDeleteI like that you talked about chemicals mixing into our bodies-I didn't think about that before.
DeleteIncorporating the "save our lives" part made me think about how the drugs that we put into our body are also chemically engineered to change our body or help us.
DeleteI never really realized that drugs were chemical reactions in our and could save our lives.
Deletewe would not understand our bodies without chemsitry
Deleteyou're so right, Tasha! this one actually made me realize some stuff! great job, well said!
DeleteIt is important for us to have a basic understanding of chemistry to fully understand human geography and physiology. Without a little knowledge on chemistry we wouldn't know that chemical changes within our cells produce body structure and function. Plus our cells, make up our tissue, which makes up our organs and organ systems, which is pretty much our whole body.. are made of atoms. Cells are made of atoms. Without that little part of chemistry (atoms) we would not be answering this blog question right now.
ReplyDeletetotally true
DeleteI think it is important to have a good understanding of chemistry because it helps us to better understand anatomy and physiology. Having a basic understanding of chemistry helps to explain the functions of our body and why they work a certain way. For example, hydrolysis is the process of water breaking down bonds. This helps to explain why our bodies need water.
ReplyDeleteYou made a really good point!
DeleteGood Example!
DeleteNice example!:)
DeleteI think it is important to have a basic understanding of chemistry because it helps us learn more about the reactions and functions our body.Without it we wouldn't be able to understand how metabolism, hydrolysis, or respiration works.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree! (:
DeleteI believe knowing and understanding Chemistry is important. Anatomy/physiology are the studies of the structure and function of the body parts in or on the organism. Chemistry is the study of matter and how matter changes. Therefore, to understand how something works, you must also understand what causes it to act this way. Chemistry breaks down the body part and goes into detail about how the body part works. For example, to use our muscles we need energy. Energy comes from the mitochondria, but if we were to break the process down chemically, we would find that ATP, NADPH, glucose, and fructose are the chemical basis of this energy release.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you completely! Very well put!
DeleteWell said Brianne, this is a perfect response, nice work!! :)
DeleteI completely agree! Great answer!
Deletei 100% agree.
DeleteI think that it is important to understand chemistry because chemical reactions in your body may cause the structure and functions of the body to change.
ReplyDeleteWell said!
DeleteI think we should know chemistry so we know what reactions can help us and which one hurt. So you can live a heathly life.
ReplyDeletei agree 100%. pretty much exactly what i said.
DeleteI think we should have a basic understanding of chemistry to understand the chemical reactions that occur in the body and how they affect the body.
ReplyDeleteI think your right. You genius you haha :)
Deletei agree with Linzie. haha. atleast he thinks he is anyway.(:
DeleteWe need to know more about the chemistry of how our body is made so then we can learn more of how our body's make up helps the functions. That way we can know more about the reactions that go on in our bodies and why/how they occur.
ReplyDeleteI think its important to know a bit of chemistry because it effects the functions and structures of the body. It just helps us better understand everything about the body in general.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you completely. Well put.
DeleteI totally agree with you!
DeleteI think that having an understanding of chemistry is important because it helps us to understand how the human body transports, and takes in nutrients. I think that it also gives us an idea of how certain chemicals can be the most efficient. In example, we discussed in class about how lipids can give an organism faster energy because it has an abundance of carbon.
ReplyDeleteThats a really good example!
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ReplyDeleteI believe it is important to have a good understanding of chemistry in the body because it helps us understand anatomy better. This is important because all changes in our body come from the chemical reactions of cells.
ReplyDeleteNicely said Myers! Good job(:
DeleteI think it is important to have a basic understanding of chemistry when learning about both anatomy and physiology because to understand why your body reacts to things the way it does (anatomy and physioloy) you have to have a some comprehension of basic chemistry.
ReplyDeleteI think you have a very good understanding on the subject. Good job Addie. :)
DeleteI do agree with you addison. Good comment.
DeleteHaving a good understanding of chemistry helps with anatomy because we need to have an idea of what's going on with our body, and these things are usually chemical reactions.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you on that statement. knowing how the body works is important.
DeleteI think that understanding what organisms are made of also helps us to understand how these organisms work. Because our body has many chemical reations we should understand the chemicals that are involved with these reactions.
ReplyDeleteI think that understanding how chemical reactions helps us understand a lot more of what happens to the human body. And since anatomy and physiology is the study of the function and struture of the body,knowing the chemical reactions that happen to our body furthers our knowledge with the body.
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding how our body works comes from knowing what our body does at the cellular level. This includes the chemistry of how we obtain energy. For example, hydrolysis is the breaking apart of molecules by using water to obtain energy. Knowing this, we can better understand why water is so important for our body.
ReplyDeleteI think it is important to have a basic understanding of chemistry because chemistry describes how your body works and functions. The body goes through chemical changes all the time and without chemistry you wouldn't be able to explain or describe the reaction.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree
DeleteGood answer!
DeleteIt is important because the chemistry aspect of anatomy helps us to better understand how and why the body is able to do the things it does. Without the chemical reactions we'd basically be squishy rocks. Ha. If we didn't have different kinds of proteins then we would only be able to do one thing with that protein.
ReplyDeleteLinzie Hood
well said
Deletevery nicely put . i agree.
DeleteI think it is a good idea to have an understanding of chemistry because you will know how all the disease's work and the chemicals in the body.
ReplyDeleteit is important to have a understanding of chemistry because that is what describes how the human body functions & how is reacts to certain things.
ReplyDeleteto better understand how the human body works and how everything in your body works together to function.
ReplyDeleteI think it's important to have a good understanding of chemistry because then later when we talk about how and why things happen with in our bodies we have a better understanding of how it all works.
ReplyDeleteI think that its very impotrant to have an understanding of Chemisty because its what we are. Everything has elements and matter and atoms and everything there is will always lead back to the chemical background that it started from
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Deletei like what you r saying but i still see no importance
Deletetruely i dont see the importance of it cause its not going to be of much importance in the feild of study im going into.
ReplyDeleteIm not sure you understood the question... How is chemistry important to the study of anatomy and physiology? not to you personally...
DeleteI think it is important to understand chemistry, because or body has many chemical changes that occur in our body that we need to understand
ReplyDeleteThe health field would be nothing were it not for those of us who have a through understanding of chemistry. How can we even begin to grasp the structures and functions of our bodies if we dont understand how they are composed on the smallest scale possible? Take your stomach, for instance. The stomach is filled with strong Gastric acid that helps to break down the food that we eat. Our stomach also secretes a mucous to prevent the acid from digesting itself. Now, say that the glands that secrete this mucous arent functioning properly. Wouldn't it be helpful to know the chemical composition of that mucous? Or the composition of the substance that might be blocking the glands, so that you could introduce a different molecule that would successfully react with the substance blocking those glands and then break it down? Sure it's important to study the basic shapes and functions of cells and organs. but to understand how to treat the problems(on a molecular level) that our bodies encounter every single day, a thorough understanding of chemistry is required.
ReplyDeleteI agree, we need to understand all levels of the organization of matter. Good examples!
DeleteUnderstanding chemistry is very important in learning anatomy and physiology, because chemistry is the basis of the body's structure and function. The body is the way it is and does what it does because of chemical reactions that take place within the cells. An example is when you get an infection. You heal because your body sends white blood cells to fight it off. The white blood cells have huge lysosomes that engulf the bacteria and break it down with powerful enzymes. Without knowledge of the lysosomes' chemical ability to break down bacteria, you wouldn't understand how your body gets rid of infections.
ReplyDeleteThat is the perfect example of chemistry in the body. Nice!
DeleteI think having a basic knowlege of chemestry while studying anatomy and physiology is very important. In our body we are constantly breaking down chemicals for energy and other things. Anatomy and physiology are the study of the structure and function of the body and to have a better knowlege of what is happening inside our body chemically we need to have an understanding of chemstry.
ReplyDeletei think its important to have a good understanding of chemistry so we know how the body works and how each body part does.
ReplyDeleteChemistry is important to this study because physiological responses in the body are controlled by chemical reactions, to muscle contraction to digestion is controlled by chemical reactions and signals.
ReplyDeleteChemistry is important to understand with studying anatomy and physiology. Chemistry is the basis of what the body is made up of, it is vital to know how the substance of our body is made to understand the structure and function. Chemical reactions are also apart of many functions of the body as well. Chemistry is the study of the properties and reactions of matter. Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the structure and function of the body. Understanding the structure and function of the building blocks of matter are necessary to fully understand the structure and function of the entire body.